Time: 2hrs 24mins
Distance: 17.70 miles
Pace: 8.59 min/mile
A good run on what was a very unpredictable Saturday. It had been raining on and off all day but fortunately didn't rain at all the whole time I was out. I think I was running away from the rain clouds to be honest. Only stopped once or twice on the way round - my bf came to meet me for the last 6 or so miles which was good too.
This week too, I did:
Thursday 27/8
Type: Hill sprints
Distance: ~ 3.5miles
Pace: 1.2mile jog then 6 x1min hill sprints then 1.2 mile jog
Tuesday 25/8
Type: Tempo
Time: 35mins
Distance: ~5k
Warm up then roughly 3k fast followed by cool down.
And last week's long run (15.5miles @ 9.25m/m pace) elevation: