Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday 3/5

Type: Hill sprints
Time: ~55mins
Distance: ~5.5miles

1.4mile jog, 12x(20-30sec) hillsprints with jog recovery then 2.4mile jog.

Had a really relaxing day yesterday spending time with my mum and sister. Had a friend over last night and ended up staying up really late speaking to our other friends on the net, was great fun but I was tired today!

Got up late and did the work I needed to do before heading out this run. I ran towards the high school close by my house, hoping to get onto the track to do some sprints. It's being refurbished, however, and fencing meant I couldn't actually get onto the pitch or anything. So I ran to the field across the road and did some hill sprints on the grass.

It was quite good, really sunny which was lovely and far softer on the legs than hill sprints on pavement. Only problem, however, is that I really don't push myself on these hill sprints! I just kinda run until I'm tired and then jog back down! And by tired I mean REALLY tired though, so guess that's something!

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