Loch Ness MarathonTime: 3hrs 55mins
Pace: ~ 8.58m/m
Well, what can I say? A fantastic day. My bf and I were pretty much racing to the start from Inverness down the other side of Loch Ness and up from Ft Augustus in the car, nearly colliding with oncoming coaches in the process! I was surprised how few spectators there were at the start, but D got some good pictures and video as I crossed the start line.
The course itself was great, though more hilly than I'd anticipated! I thought D's constant reminders that it would be harder than Edinburgh were a bit of an exaggeration, but he was right. The good thing I thought though, was that every uphill was followed by a downhill. The climb into Foyers was a bit tough, but a good crowd the whole way along kept my spirit high. The scenery was great too, I even took my headphones out for a while a few times to take in the atmosphere.
Running down into Dores and who did I see? Yep, D was there with the camera cheering me on. It was amazing, it was so great to see him. He ran alongside me for a couple of hundred metres until I heard more people shouting my name. It was Suzie and Derek from the Scottish Veterans Residencies in Edinburgh! They offered me water and took some pictures which was great, and I said I'd see them at the end. I think it was this support from eveyrone in the middle which kept me going through the rest of the course.
Come 20miles I was feeling good. I managed the hill out of Dores without a problem...though no one made a deal of (and I seem to have forgotten about) the hill at 21miles which I found a bit of a challenge!! I didn't stop at all though, and kept a consistent pace. In the previous 2 marathons I've done, I've always hit the wall at about 18miles and really slowed to little more than a walk, but this time things just went so well. I knew the road quite well and kept telling myself it really wasn't that much further to go - this is what kept my pace I think. A little bit of rain at 21miles didn't even dampen my spirits.
I'd been behind this guy and seen him in my line of vision for a good while and about 24miles I noticed him slow to a walk. He bent over and I wasn't sure if he was actually just tired or hurt. When I slowly edged ahead of him, I glanced round and saw he just looked really tired. I was glad, so I offered him the little bit of lucozade I had left and then I continued, at a faster pace than before. He looked grateful, and I was pleased. I hope he got the time he was after.
Suzie was at 25miles waving and smiling. That was the last bit of encouragement I needed. As I rounded the track in the stadium and came in from the street, some stupid (yet completely energy boosting) "ned" music playing on my ipod, I gave it everything I had. Sprinted the last 100m and crossed the finish line with a smile on my face!!! Derek from the SVR and D were there to meet me afterwards, and I got given a lot of free lucozade which was fantastic! Took some photos for the SVR website (not sure if they're up there yet or not), then after a nice hug and congrats from D, headed back to his house for a fantastic Sunday lunch.
I was so pleased with my time, really over the moon. More so because it was such a more challenging course than Edinburgh and I never stopped once, when on my training runs I do usually stop for one reason or another.
So thanks so much to everyone - the guys from SVR, my parents and friends (in particular my cycling buddy) for all the good luck texts, thanks to
John Kynaston for emailing me a really sweet congratulations, D's mum and dad for keeping me this weekend, all the people who sponsored me (means so much to me), and last but not least thank you Derek (:
Edinburgh 2009 here I come...