Thursday, 11 March 2010

Tuesday 9/3 - New frelling shoes

Distance: 3.55 miles
Pace: 8.45 (warm up) 8.15 for rest

So soooo tired....could barely keep my eyes open but just KNEW if I ran I'd feel I did. Am trying this new 1 hard 1 easy week strategy before the marathon...that is I have one week of "hard" training including a >average midweek long run and hill sprints, then one "easy" week...i.e. just doing really whatever the h*ll I feel like. This is, most definitely, an easy week!!!!

Ok onto the pressing thing. Frell my new shoes (been watching a loooot of Farscape of late). The guy in the shop said that the ones he sold me would give me adequate arch support, as I sometimes (and I mean RARELY) get a wee pain in the arch of my foot, as though that muscle is stretching really tight.

So, I go out a run in my new shoes. Not a member of the gym any more, so had to just go on a non-muddy path to try them. I did notice that they slipped, remember. Ok, so fine, I thought. Next run I did (details to follow), I feel this agony pain in my arch of the foot where the shoe was slipping. It's so sore, worse than it ever has been...and all I've been doing is running slowly on a flat path!

And again on this run, my arch was acheing with every footstep. It's fine to start, and only happens after I've been running for about 2 miles. But then it's recurrent and pretty damn annoying. I was in 2 minds - the shoes are filthy, as the runs have been on WHW, and they really probably couldn't be sold again. BUT, I've paid £85 quid for them (actually less with student discount) and the guy told me they would be fine for me. And they're not. So really, who is in the wrong here?

Either way, I phoned Achilles Heel and they've told me to bring my old shoes and my new shoes in on Saturday and they'd see what they can do. Oh the joys.

Anyway, moving swiftly on, other runs:

Sunday 6/3

Distance: ~6.5miles

Did a run/walk combo on the pipetrack between Stockiemuir Road and Dumbarton with dad. Covered in we had to walk at some parts. Ended up running the last 3.5miles solid though.

Friday 5/3

Distance: 9.1miles
Pace: 8.40min/mile

Run on WHW, quite early and really good! Photos to follow....saw Spiderman on a tree! (Not the real one, obviously)

In other news...Wedding planning is BORING. I am against any kind of "wedding package" and think those who endorse "wedding packages" are scum and should respect the individuals involved by NOT extorting ridiculous amounts of money out of them for stupid food/drink that would otherwise cost a fraction of the price. ARGH.

Ok, rant over. I'd have a BYOB Garden wedding if I could. If only...

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